Welcome Book Conoisseurs!

I love books. I love England. I love books from England! I especially love quaint bookshops that specialize in rare or secondhand books. I spent a wonderful two months in England last Spring, and I was notoriously always stopping in at bookstores. I found some really amazing deals, met some incredibly funny people, and of course, had to buy a small carry-on suitcase for the books I was taking back home with me. 

And so, I've decided to write about those experiences. I'll feature one bookstore every entry, giving information about where it is, what I found out about the them, and all that. But beyond that, I want to write about literature! I got to see many authors' homes, and other historical, amazing places that even today have literary value. I meandered down Addison's Walk in Oxford, and visited cathedrals now immortalized in poems.

I also want to get your insight! Have you been to one of these places? What are your favorite bookstores? What kinds of books do you buy? Are you looking for something in particular? Have you read any of the authors or poets that I talk about in a certain post? I know there are so many of you out there that love to read and love to travel. I wanted to combine the two! I'll start off right now in England, but there are thousands of amazing bookstores around the world. Maybe one day soon, your favorite place can be featured. So, here's to the cycle of sharing books: Pass it on.


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